About Us
The world of Anime is a fantastic one. There is so much to explore and discover, there really is the perfect anime for everyone. What is so great about anime is that it brings so many people together, and it is something that everyone can enjoy.
Whether you are a fan of the classics like Attack on Titan, Death Note, and Pokémon, or you prefer anime shows such as Yuri on Ice or Kill La Kill, the community is super welcoming and friendly.
If you are new to the world of anime, or if you have been watching it avidly for years, there is always something new and exciting to discover. This is why I decided to set up my site Shuto Con, as a way of expressing my passion for all things anime.

Hi, my name is Grace Brown, and I have watched anime for as long as I can remember. I grew up hooked on Pokémon, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon and Naruto. I could not get enough of the shows. As I reached adulthood, I expanded my horizons, and discovered the world of One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, and even Ouran High Host Club.
Through Shuto Con, I want to share the world of anime with as many people as possible. I will be providing information on everything to do with anime, from the best shows to watch, to how you can cosplay as some of your favorite characters. This site is the ultimate guide to anime.
If you'd like to contribute to this site, please visit the guest writer page and let me know what you'd like to share with the fantastic world of anime!